

发布时间:2021-01-05   来源:网络整理    

开设自己的店铺有助于历史品牌格拉纳多(Granado)与属于同一集团的另一个历史巴西品牌菲博(Phebo)联合,从2005年起,重新确立在巴西的地位,以突出其传统。“很少有品牌能自夸同一个故事,重要的是要有一家店来提出我们的起源。品牌的身份取决于这一点,”Granado/Phebo的营销总监Nazish Munchenbach解释道。


and the strategy expensed successful,since the reborn brand now counts over 60 stores over brazil.在一年前获得股权的Puig Group的支持下,Granado Group一直在丰富他们的产品线,最新的产品是针对婴儿敏感皮肤的,并且一直在巴西以外地区发展。

a First Store in Paris

a Global Development,they confirm their affence with the French Public by Opening A Flags年底,巴黎波拿巴街的一家时尚商店。“多亏了三月一日的百货公司,我们第一次来到巴黎。正是在这里,我们得到了最广泛的认可,两国之间有着真正的情感和文化亲和力。在去其他地方之前真的在这里安顿下来是合乎逻辑和有意义的,“secures nazish munchenbach.

as a complement to the bon march_,with which specific and exclusive actions will be taked,the store will be decorated with the furniture found in bazilian stores and spread across 70_m2 to provide most of the ranges signEd by the two brand s.

The address selected is located in the heart of Saint Germain des pr_s,and it benefits both from tourist and parisian customers:according to the director,it will help them test the brand"s consumer perception,about of the department store.“这一次,我们将与法国消费者直接接触,这将有助于我们了解他们的期望并缩小我们对他们的产品范围。”

This new step toward europe an is completed with the opening of an e-shop,which have been accessible for a month,and other store projects are under study,in special in Portugal.

“就像我们在巴西所做的那样,我们需要时间来巩固和理解消费者的利益。您可以很快地使用和重用一个成功的公式,但首先,您需要找到它。我们实际上有一个非常长期的项目,“Nazish Munchenbach Promises.

Granado Pharm_cias21 rue Bonaparte75006 Paris

